Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Life in Full

Hello to my generous listeners and supporters,

I am writing once again from my school office. Makes me sound official, I know, but do not be deceived. It is actually one of my schemes to make you think I am all business and no fun. Ha, well, okay, since I'm an honest person, I'll let you know that I actually do have quite a bit of fun here at Red Cloud! Take today for example, a litte taste into the life of Emily.....

Red Cloud hosts our first FB playoff game today, which means we had a 12:15pm out, and had only 1/2 our classes (w/ the others being tomorrow).... so I had my 5th & 7th weights classes today. I digress... after coming in the morning, followed into my office by some sophomore guys hoping to relax in my chair, I wrote an announcement, spoke w/ several students, explained a few times why I do not yet have fruit (which mysteriously appeared later in the day), and headed to the office to drop off the announcement- on the way I saw several faculty, whom I greeted in my usual cheery way before heading to the weight room to open the fieldhouse for the girls. We had 1 hour of lifting weights (the girls are taking maxes this week).... so 1 hr was way too long, except for lovely time to chat....about all sorts of things- like the VB game last night, expectations for the b-ball teams this year, random stories about weight lifting mishaps, and the fact that our heaters are extremely loud and will not shut off.

The story continues.... second hour of the day, I took my time running a few errands, I spoke w/ several students in the hallways, and entered attendance from last night's after-school program, before it was time again to head to 7th weights...during which it took all the firmness in me to get a few guys to finish their maxes, while most of them scrimmaged the freshman VB girls. By the way- this is an entertaining experience in itself.... because most of the guys are trying to impress the younger girls w/ their mad VB skills, while a majority of the girls don't even need the guys to try- b/c they simply ARE impressed with the fact that several junior and senior guys are playing VB against them...so, in a mixed fury of passion and intrique, pride and mistakes, a volleyball game becomes an outlet for the energy that infiltrates the lives of high school students. (wow, sorry- that became a rather bold statement regarding the lives of adolescents- sort of reminds me of papers I wrote in college or something- the academic spirit hasn't left me yet!!!). :)

Another excitement regarding weight lifting involves the horrible-sounding alarms which evidently signaled the fact that someone from the weight lifting room pulled a fire-alarm. I SWEAR it wasn't me. Oh, wait, I'm the teacher...yeah- so, "Did any of you pull the fire alarm?" Of course that's a stupid question, Emily, who in their right mind will confess, particularly as the Dean of Students has currently come to assess the situation. Hmmm, outside to wait out the alarm....and back inside, to be sent out once again, darn alarm. As the teacher, I suppose it is in my power to reprimand the culprit- but I really have a hard time believing a student can pull an alarm from beyond 10 feet away. Hmmm.... mysteries of Red Cloud inveiled.

Now this blog might begin sounding like my hour by hour (okay, minute by minute) agenda typed out....and for this I apologize, but sometimes it's fun to relive a normal day, for the sake of appreciating the simple. Last hour of the day I spent covering Paddy's study hall, which was overall enjoyable (I even brought in the fruit that was delivered to my door. I love this job). Okay, let's be honest, the only reason I chose to recount this day, is because it is most fresh in my memory, not because of anything particularly exciting, so don't be disappointed that my story does not have an incredible end- except for this: Two guys wrote quotes on my quote board yesterday, which I am thoroughly happy about. One writes, "Darkness does not exist. It is just a lack of light." Wow! And a second writes, "Stand up for what is right even if you are standing alone." Dang! That's pretty impressive for two sophomore boys, huh?

Okay, so I'll summarize a bit here. I really like it at Red Cloud. Today is our FB playoff game, tomorrow is the Halloween Carnival, faculty meetings, and a bus driver (insurance-mandated) meeting. Thursday I'm driving bus for the seniors to Rapid City all day, in addition to after-school program, and Friday my lovely parents are coming to visit! Life is full, most definitely, life is full.

I also will be attending the staff retreat next weekend, the junior retreat the weekend after that, and the sophomore retreat the following week. Whew! I guess you have to love retreats to handle this job! :) (or perhaps Emily is overly enthusiastic about retreats and thus gets asked to attend- every time. That's most likely a more accurate statement). What else is interesting here....OH....the student council retreat went really well, I heard many positive responses, and I believe the students truly engaged in some meaningful reflection concerning issues of social justice on the Rez. Also, we brainstormed several ways in which community service could be realized through the Student Council, and ended our time together with a few ghost stories and a hike to Potato Cave! What is Potato Cave you ask? Well, it is none other than the cave in which Jesuits formerly stored potatoes (during their years of self-sufficiency). Interesting notes on Red Cloud history.

Actually, I invite anyone desiring to receive a more in-depth taste of the Pine Ridge Reservation to simply give me a call, or email- and I would be happy to host you.... I understand a few people are seriously thinking of it, so please accept my encouragement to make that a reality! :)

Well, I had better prepare my winning spirit for the game today- it should be a good one, and it's so beautiful outside as well!

Much love to you all, wherever you find yourselves, into whatever mood this extended blog entry led you. (I know it's let me into the realization that I am not the best blogger) May you experience the peace and joy of Christ which is most definitely apparent within my many experiences here.



Amanda said...

Hi Em! Just thought I'd let you know that even though it didn't seem that exciting while you were writing it, your "play by play" blog was refreshing for me! I enjoyed reliving your day on the internet and I'm so happy to hear that you are settling in and really enjoying your job and the students. Hope everything keeps going well!

heartforhugs said...

oh gosh...i just love reading your writings. the play by play was quite enjoyable, i must agree with amanda. and i love the wordings you offer...and parenthetical thoughts of such wordings and expieriences... haha! thank you for the piece of humor you've shared:)

heartforhugs said...

by the way, i just left that last comment...and realized you don't know who heartforhugs is...so its bethy;)