Hello Dear Souls,
I have made the assumption that my audience has generally dissipated during the holiday season. If for some reason you are not included in this assumption- and have persistently checked this blog to no avail the past few weeks- I am sending my apologies. Here again, I resume the delightful job of updating one and all on life on the Reservation.
But alas, I have been home on break (a quite wonderful one at that) for the past week, so I shall go back in time to relay a few wonderful bits of news from LNI (refer to previous post for more specific background information)... I was thoroughly busy with the LNI Lakota Language team, who took second place at the tournament (congrats!), driving them around in a bus- no wait, a van- after the bus was stolen by the boys basketball- and proceeded to quit working (but that's not my story to tell)- and more driving drama... okay, I'll explain.
7:00am (or 7:30am, whichever time you feel is more important to remember) we departed with 5 students and three adults on a large 'bus 13' to Rapid City... on the way, we stopped about 4 miles post leaving to see about some b-ball uniforms left at school, then proceeded on, only to encounter a broken-down b-ball bus about 30min. from Red Cloud. (to add context, it was bitterly cold and we believe the diesel gelled up). We picked up one coach and three managers (the other boys found personal rides)... and resumed our travel. By 9am- after some strategic navigation by yours truly- we made it to the Civic Center, where the LNI team proceeded to kick 'tail'. But the bus. Yes, after grabbing light lunch at the mall, our team headed back to the civic center, in order for the b-ball team to accost our bus- leaving us ride-less for a few hours (see, recall the team's bus was currently sitting idle about 1 hour from Rapid City)... so we managed to occupy ourselves until someone from school graciously drove up a school van for our use. Which we used, of course, the duration of our stay. :) Hence, "the bus- no wait, a van..." comment above.
Okay, so that left us some splendid travel opportunities, being more maneuverable and all in a van. The beautiful Lakota Language team (did I mention they rocked?) and I decided to peruse some pretty Christmas lights and decorations in the 'nice' residential area of Rapid. This of course had nothing to do with the fact that Haines Ave is NOT the road on which our hotel was located, (no matter how long you decide to travel it, Emily). Yeah- even super bus drivers occasionally make geographical errors, AND it takes a creative bus driver to turn it into an event to remember. :)
I had the privilege of experiencing LNI with the company of Katie, fellow volunteer last year, and it made for some lovely times. We returned to Red Cloud Thursday night and headed up Friday to LNI with a car packed for Christmas. I was able to enjoy the wrestling tournament- during which Red Cloud finished a strong 3rd- with 1st place, heavy weight champion Jacob (refer to previous Halloween picture with ostrich costume). and 2nd place, seniors Ryan and Charles.
Overall, it was a splendid time, and I enjoyed visiting with friends Amy, Jared, and Trey before heading home, where I have thoroughly enjoyed family and friends (old and new). :)
That is all for now. I have been thinking over my past time at Red Cloud (now, 1 1/2 years!) and have come to the conclusion that I am so blessed, by every student who makes me smile, every co-worker who gives me joy, every volunteer who makes me laugh and cry, every community member who gives me a sense of being at home, and every moment which makes me realize that love, generosity, and peace are treasured possessions which everyone deserves to experience.
May you experience these gifts, particularly during the holiday season. With a heart full of love and voice filled with laughter,
Final Post
15 years ago