Thursday, December 11, 2008

Nearing Christmas...

Hello Pine Ridge Enthusiasts...

I feel as if I have more news than normal for you... I'm not sure if that's true or not, but that's what I feel like today... :)

This past week has been exceptionally great. Probably because I'm still basking in the glow of the Winter Formal (sorry no photos yet)... and in the fact that I'm coasting in my work responsibilities until Christmas. Not that days are ever slow... Only 3 more days of school before the break. WOW! Hard to believe it, even as I type. Of course we have LNI coming shortly (Lakota Nation Invitational)... which is a massive event held in Rapid City... I know I spoke of it last year, but gosh- that's a whole year ago, so I'll share briefly about it... but first, a recap of my previous week...

On Monday a significant event occurred in my life. I began eating regular food. What I mean is, I stopped eating rice. (Not baby food or something). Alright, back up Emily- Two weeks ago my house and I began a challenge to only eat rice for every meal (plus beans for dinner)... basically as an act to simplify our lives, become more aware of our infinite variety in food choices, and be in solidarity with the billions of people in the world who are grateful for the rice they do consume daily. So, I cooked up a massive batch of rice, anticipating our long journey into the world of spicing rice for every meal. Last Monday we began... and last Monday everyone else stopped, but I continued eating only rice, alone. Every meal. 7 days. SO this Monday I concluded my 'rice fast' by eating yogurt covered cheerios for breakfast. 21 meals of only rice, and yogurt covered cheerios are particularly tasty. I have had the issue of dealing with massive food cravings even when I'm not hungry this week (for example, returning to the development office Xmas party for seconds and thirds on all their goodies), so I'm hoping those dissipate before Christmas goodies get shoved in my face. :)

Also this week I have been listening to several students share their personal drama- be it at home, in school with friends, or relationship issues... and mostly I listen and give support, which most often doesn't take too large of a toll on me. For some reason, though, this week I have really been feeling the burden some of these precious students must carry each day- and it exhausts me when I allow it to. I would share more, but I fear breaching a certain level of confidentiality these students expect from me.

On a lighter note, we had a bird in our ceiling on Wednesday. It was quite hilarious really, since we couldn't figure out if it was a bird or a mouse, but every teacher on the top floor would be blessed with the scampering noises every so often... It was one of those odd occurrences which I absolutely enjoy, since it brings an element of spontaneity to the school day.

This week is a big week for basketball, and if you recall hearing last year- basketball IS life here. Thus, last nights season opener between our lady Saders and the Little Wound team was a PACKED house. I took tickets for the event, and honestly, I don't know if there was an empty seat in our gym. Our girls lost a tough contest, but it wasn't a heart breaker- I think the team realizes now what they need to work on. That's what the first game is good for, right?

Also today (Friday, to clarify- since sometimes when I save drafts and post them later, the date gets messed up) the boys play their first home game against Bennett Co. and it should be interesting- all five starters are new, evidently, so let the games begin! (Random note: I will be selling ponpoms and beads for the fans... fundraiser for Stu. Co.)

I forgot to mention that on Tuesday we had our VB awards banquet, and it went really well. We were able to recognize the girls' accomplishments and validate their good character, as well as eat pizza and laugh a little too. For the banquet I had all the varsity players sign a mat to frame a goofy picture of the team for Robin (head coach).... and she LOVED it. I was glad to have that as a way of saying thank you for her dedication to coaching and teaching me a few things about coaching too! :) I now play on a league VB team with Robin and my housemate Sunshine (or by common standards- Dan). We have a blast and really do well... we're most likely standing around 1st place, you know... :)

Okay- back to LNI... So the streets of Rapid City will be bombarded by LNI participants and spectators Dec. 17-20 (not to mention nervous bus drivers), because it is one of the largest events to take place at the Civic Center... Boys and girls basketball tournaments (16 teams), wrestling tourney, boxing, handgames, art show, Lakota language bowl and story telling, knowledge bowl, T.W.O. Pow wow, Educational conferences, and lots of food. Also they generally bring in a celebrity of some sort for added numbers, but I haven't heard word of who that might be... in any case, I am driving bus for the Lakota Language team, which only lasts Wed & Thurs... but I shall be back Friday & Saturday on my own accord, which will be nice to have flexibility in travel.

Another exciting event to take place- Katie, my housemate and best friend from last year will be coming for a visit- and she'll be here this Monday!!! I am so excited to spend the week with her, and she'll be coming to LNI with me as well... ah, I smile in anticipation.

So that's been my week. When I get winter formal pictures back from Ms. Lainey, I shall post them for all to view. I am anxious for Christmas break, getting to catch up with friends and family from back home. It's been a long time since I've had more than a few days' break.

Thanks for the comments on my hair, Amanda and Bethy. The most recent compliment I've received was last night from a dear friend, "You look lovely, that haircut has SO much energy!" :)

And now, for a final story to satisfy your Red Cloud cravings...

The foreign exchange student who is sitting in my office right now...from Germany... just told me that I have a great last name and I shouldn't change it. :) "Isn't that a cool last name?" he just asked another student. I (realizing the other student most likely wouldn't care) responded energetically, "Yeah, it is! Thanks, Fabian. You're the best." He's grading papers for a teacher now- and I asked him, "If you were grading my paper, would you give me a 100%?" He promptly replies, "Of course I would. Because of your last name." :) What a dear and funny soul.

Okay, until the next splendid time we meet (even if it is on cyber space).....

Grateful, mysterious, and content, Emily

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