Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The end is near...

The Meth Mural (as written about in the Journal article)

Jarrian working on the mural... he's quite the artist, really!

Two young artists working on the mural... how cute, right?

Three faculty members participating in the spring drama production

The Cast all posing after their bows... what a great crew!

Four Powwow Royalty... all beautiful RC Seniors!

RC Freshmen & Sophomores at the Powwow

A large drum group- led by RC faculty Charlie Eagle Hawk

Daisa, a good traditional dancer and special sophomore friend

Picture of Grand Entry at the Powwow w/ royalty in the center

We are quickly coming to the end of what has been an entirely eventful, enlightening, exciting, and tumultuous school year. (I have added pictures of various events- a Pow Wow, Drama production, the Death to Meth event, etc.)

My first year at Red Cloud (granted, my first year ever! of not being a student) is almost complete, and I must say that in somes ways I really do feel as if I have been a part of the Red Cloud community for way longer than a year! The end of the year for me involves holding a celebration for student council this year, meeting with student council for next year, academic awards ceremony, graduation duties, wrapping up weight lifting class, moving my office upstairs, and general goodbyes to students, with special goodbyes in store for graduating seniors.

I have actually been sick the past few days, so it's only today that I am now thinking about school once again. This past weekend we had our RC Staff banquet in Rapid City, and it was a really fun night! My Vanna White skills ended up improving as the night went on, and althought I did not recieve a door prize, I (along with all other volunteers) were given a jacket for bus driving, a T-shirt, a mug, and a great meal! We had a cool table of volunteers and a few faculty, so plenty of good laughter and conversation!

On Saturday I ended up covering this event called Death to Meth in Pine Ridge for the Rapid City Journal, so I've attached the link below...


Sunday our volunteer community was treated to a lunch at "Bette's Kitchen" which is a restaurant in a woman's (Bette's) home just outside Manderson... and it was a thank you from this woman named Pinky who is instrumental around the Rez in positive community development issues. We had a great time, and I always enjoy the moments we spend together, since community life as we know it is quickly coming to an end as well. I must also mention that two goodbyes in particular are going to be very difficult, and they are to my good friends Jackie and Katie. They are both returning home next year... and I will miss them dearly!!! Awe, I still don't allow myself to think about it much.

Yesterday I stayed home from school and basically slept the entire day. I have been borderline sick for awhile, but it finally hit home this weekend... and yesterday I could not talk AT ALL!!! So, I basically slept all day... yet had to meet with my boss and partner for this summer's camp work... and we toured various places on the Rez- where we will be working this summer, etc. It was actually really productive, despite the fact that I couldn't talk. :)

So, today here I am. Trying to converse with students, while they are thoroughly appreciating the fact that my voice sounds like an adolescent boy going through puberty. :) Or an old man who has smoked too much, either one. :)

I am signing off now. Hopefully I will be able to speak the next time I write- but you all wouldn't even know the difference, huh? :):)

Okay, much love from the heart of Emily.


1 comment:

MUD said...

Your love of the kids shows in your writing and your pictures. Keep up the great work. MUD