Thursday, May 8, 2008

Hmm... Students.

Hello again!

I apologize for this coming late once again, but my week has not been conducive to free-time writing, so here I am, subbing once again for 'dear freshman' and finally finding time to write!

My "hmm... students" title refers to my ambiguous feelings towards particular students right now. I rarely lose my temper- but I have to say, one student has completely tried my patience this week, and yesterday I finally yelled at him "You are never allowed in my office again!" loud enough for all neighboring classes to overhear. I really meant it too. Never shall he be allowed to enter my office- mainly because he doesn't seem to have the capacity to understand what is and is not okay to do (sneaking into my office and messing with documents on the computer is one thing, refusing to leave until I physically force his hand off my mouse is another)- and how to properly respond to authority. I know it is not only me. Actually all teachers share this sentiment, and he was kicked out twice already, but let back in on some technicality.

(one other difficult part of the situation- he holds a grudge better than almost anyone I know- he is boisterous and opinionated- AND somehow he has gained the affection and loyalty of several classmates.)

With all this said, my particular negative feelings toward this certain individual have been alleviated by the other wonderful students who give me so much hope and enjoyment. AND most of them who were present for this less-than-graceful moment in my office told me, "Don't worry about it- he annoys everyone, Emily." Other than this episode, I had a wonderful day.

My Lakota language final was last night- and it went well!!! I actually received an A on the written part- plus delivered a creative oral presentation, so I think I'm good to go! We also all contributed to an enchilada meal during the exam, which was fun and rather out of the norm for my experience of college finals... but I enjoy this new approach! :) I am so thankful to have taken the class, and I also made a friend throughout the semester- she's quite energetic and we have hung out a few times- and plan to continue!

Hmm, let's see. Oh yes, this week has been student council election week, with the voting taking place today, and speeches were on Tuesday. I thought they did a fantastic job, especially since they were all SO NERVOUS!!! I am proud of those that have chosen to run, and honestly, regardless of who wins, it's going to be a great Student Council next year!

Breaking News Story: Dominic, a freshman running for Sophomore Rep next year, just came into the freshman class I am subbing for and handed out breakfast burritos with a sign attached to each which reads, "Vote for Dominic" :) Isn't that great! In addition to handing out food (candy, burritos, who knows what else)... plenty of signs now decorate the halls. It is quite a festive time, honestly, and I love that the students are taking it seriously!

The school year is drawing to an end, with only three weeks of class left! Next week will be the final "after-school clubs" week, followed by a week with study hall offered, and then my 21st Century after-school program duties will be complete! (minus the paperwork involved).

Tomorrow we have an early out for the Staff Banquet, which will be in the Ramkota hotel in Rapid City- and I am quite excited for this. In addition to simply attending, I will also play 'hostess' and pass out the door prizes throughout the evening. Fun, huh? I've been told this is the 'Vanna White' position, only no letters to turn.

Dakota (a student introduced to you in a previous post) would like to say something: "I just said put me in your story, that's it!" A young man of few words, but possessive of a great chuckle.

I am feeling a bit relieved today and will even moreso this weekend, once student council elections are past- and I can concentrate on wrapping things up from this year and preparing for next fall. I will also be moving offices- to the upstairs for next year, so that sounds like an excellent task for my weight lifting students one day! :)

What else to say- I guess not much. I am only slightly distracted by freshman asking me (over and over again) the difference btw. "their" and "there" ; "mane" and "main" ; "lessen" and "lesson" Hmm, homonyms packets are due today, as you might imagine.

Okay, 'tis all for now. Thanks for tuning in. I am writing a story for the Rapid City Journal this week, about my Lakota language class, so I'll post a link next week!

Hope all is well for you- and I also pray that you do not encounter the type of student that drove me to screaming this week... although I suppose in some way (down the road) I shall perhaps be grateful for the experience. Honestly, I'm not right now. :)

Much love and smiles, as we enjoy the moisture God is granting the land,



J, A, T and Y said...

Looking forward to reading your article. Good luck with the last few weeks of school!!!! God Bless.

MUD said...

Spring Fever is something that all students suffer from. In most schools they let the seniors out a week earlier than the rest because no one could stand them the last week. What is on your summer list of things to do. With gas at $4.50 a gallon most of us are staying home or not gong far. Good luck and I am eagerly waiting fro some Lakota lessons. MUD